Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A visit with Guy Rom

I had the pleasure of seeing Guy last night. I met his mother who was staying by his bedside and helping him.

Guy looks very good compared to the first day that I saw him. His eyes are bright and he has a smile. He also has his mouth wired shut. I had his mother laughing hysterically as I tried to find the doctor to bribe to keep his mouth wired shut for the 4th week as well. I figured we could raise enough money to go for 4 or 5 weeks. Upon this suggestion, Guy scrawled some very colorful language on his whiteboard. :-)

Guy's mother was glowing and was very optimistic about Guy's recovery. It looks like it'll only be another two surgeries, a few days of recovery and Guy will be allowed to go home to heal.

Visitors will be welcome once more after Guy's shoulder surgery. I'm sure he'll let people know the time in which they can come by. I really do encourage everyone who can to make the time to see him. It's a real pleasure for the visitor and Guy. Although, when I went by, he informed me that the TV was more entertaining than I was. :-)

The comments are still very appreciated by Guy. Keep them coming!


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