Saturday, March 3, 2007

Guy Walks Again!!!

Adi called me this afternoon to give me an update.

Great news: Guy took 3 steps today. He moved to his chair. This is absolutely fantastic recovery. Testament to the special nature of this injury is one of the very experienced doctors at Stanford said that they've never seen such an injury of this magnitude which did not have serious brain or spinal damage.

Adi described her life these days. It is still very difficult for her and she goes in and out of being strong and being very worried. In her worried moment last night, she insisted on staying with Guy. She politely informed the hospital agents that they could call the police if they wanted to get her to leave his side. At 3am, Guy woke up and insisted on Adi going home. For the first time, Adi was able to sleep for a full 4 straight hours. A special thanks to Wayman for offering to pick Adi up in the middle of the night and drive her home for the much needed rest.

Some people make an extra special difference in Guy's recover and Adi would like me to call two of them out. These are the two mothers. Hers and Guy's. They have been incredibly strong for Guy and Adi and have taken care of Shira during this stressful time.

Guy continues to read the blog comments and entries and appreciates all of them. Tim Ranson was able to bring the banner card to Adi that everyone signed from work. It is now hanging on the ceiling above Guy's bed. Guy likes to read the well wishes.

Both Guy and Adi are very excited about the "Guypod." Adi wants every one to know how much they appreciate all of the things that are being done for her and Guy.

So, again, we have a lot to be thankful for and should continue to keep Guy and his family in our thoughts and prayers.

Keep the comments and support coming!



Scott said...

Guy, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear about the progress you're making. Keep up the awesome work!!

-- Scott

anata said...

hey Guy, that's amazing!
so just so you know, our own little guy took 2.5 months from first 3 consecutive steps to running around and jumping on the bed. i hear you like a good competition, so there's a challange for you.

may the best Guy win!


Sarah said...

The more I hear about your injury, the more I am awed by the fact that you are lucid and now walking! I've been thinking of you every day and wishing you all the inner energy and will to battle through what must be a very difficult and painful time. I've also been thinking about Adi, who is probably having the hardest time of all. It's just as painful if not more to see someone you love in your predicament.
So hang in there, both of you. You are doing an amazing job so far.
-Sarah Livnat

Noa :-) said...

Three times Kifack Hey to you Guy. Somehow I am not surprised at the rate of your progress but I admire you endlessly, the whole you. Adi - you are wonderful. Love you all, gotta run, talk to you later,
Noa :-)

Tamar Kariv said...

Guy & Adi

We are so happy to hear about the progress. We wish that you keep this pace for full recovery.

Let us know if you need anything,
and when visits are allowed.

Tamar & Yaniv

Avital said...

Hey Adi, It's Avital from Shula's. I saw you run out with tears friday morning and was shocked to find out what had happened. My heart goes out to you all. I want to wish all of you strength and courage. Guy, wishes of speedy and full recovery.


dina and shlomo keidar said...

Dear Guy, we follow your miraculously progress
All our love to you, Adi, Shira and the grandmothers (we join the hey hey hey, from the kifak)
Dina, Shlomo, and the kids