Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Still in rehab

Hi All,

Thanks for all the great comments. I have to tell you that I'm still surprised (and maybe I shouldn't be) at how difficut this withdrawal is. I'm not exactly whimpering in a corner as Igor imagined me to be :-), but I have many days where I can barely get away from the sofa. Thinking back, the options I had were to suffer a great deal more with smaller doses of medication, or go through this current yucky stage. Given those two options, I would still opt for the way things were actually handled, things aren't fun, but I would have suffered much more otherwise.

My hope is that I'm going to be getting my stamina back after I'm finished with the medication. I have a suspicion that that would take some time too. Still, today is a good day, and I'll make the most of it!

I'll keep you posted,


Unknown said...

well, if you're both hopeful and realistic, I guess it follows that you'll be OK - just a logical inference...
Keep being strong and taking they days one at a time.


Donush said...


Keep up the good spirit! I'm sure it's not easy, but from what I saw, you are strong and one day at a time is indeed the right way!

Hope to see you soon!

Vamsee said...

Read through the recent updates...Hang in there, Guy! your determination will get you well soon :)


mengerin said...

So, what about sharing with the rest of us? I noticed yer hogging all of these for yourself!

I can't wait for you to recover. I hope all is well.

Missing you.
